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Abdullaeva A., Ataballyeva M.N.




this article discusses the features of the development of education in the field of digital technologies. The methods and strategies of the influence of the system of technology development and innovative methods on the management of educational processes in higher educational institutions are given. Recommendations are given for the introduction of technologies in the industry   

Ключевые слова:
analysis, method, research, education, technologies   

УДК 658

Abdullaeva A.

Instructor at the Department of “Exact and natural sciences”

International University for the Humanities and Development

(Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)


Ataballyeva M.N.

Instructor at the Department of “Exact and natural sciences”

International University for the Humanities and Development

(Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)





Abstract: this article discusses the features of the development of education in the field of digital technologies. The methods and strategies of the influence of the system of technology development and innovative methods on the management of educational processes in higher educational institutions are given. Recommendations are given for the introduction of technologies in the industry.


Key words: analysis, method, research, education, technologies.


Innovations in the field of education are understood as everything that is connected with the introduction of advanced pedagogical experience into practice. Occupying a leading place in modern science, the educational process is aimed at transferring knowledge, skills, abilities to students, at the formation of personality, citizenship. Changes are dictated by time, a change in attitude to training, education, development.

Innovative technologies in education make it possible to regulate learning, increasing the effectiveness of the educational process. Innovative behavior does not simply offer the student to adapt to the new conditions of educational interaction, it implies the formation of their own individuality, self-development. It is important to understand that innovative education is, first of all, a way of educating a harmonious personality. Pedagogical innovations should not bring “ready-made templates” to students; innovations in the field of education are aimed at actually increasing the intellectual level of the student. And the teacher, who got rid of "complexes", psychological barriers, should become a full-fledged participant in innovative transformations.

The goal of the teacher's innovative activity is to change the student's personality in comparison with the traditional system. These changes become possible through the introduction of new didactic and educational programs in professional activities. The development of the ability to find motivation for one's actions, independently navigate the information received, the formation of creative unconventional thinking, the development of students by maximizing their natural abilities, using the latest achievements of science and practice, are the main goals of educational innovation.

When organizing the process, it is important to give only the main guidelines for cognitive dialogue, individual self-manifestation, individual awareness, general and professional erudition and culture of scientific research. In assessing the completeness of mastering the content of the subject, we are guided by the level of professional mentality (mental skills and spiritual meanings), expectations and attitudes, individually revealed in research activities, and the implementation of competencies:

– possession of the ability for abstract thinking, for independent development of new areas of professional activity,

– willingness to carry out professional communication to solve professional problems, to manage research work,

– the ability to analyze the results of scientific research, apply them in solving specific research problems in the field of science and practice,

– manifestation of creative abilities for independent solution of research problems.

The high quality of the process and results of education is a task that does not lose its relevance throughout the entire historical period of the development of human civilization. Increasing requirements for the process and educational results are naturally determined in modern society by ideals, characterized by the approximation of reality to the standards of activity and relationships. Therefore, the activity relations between the participants of the process as relations between the subjects of education were taken as a basis and set as a variable component of the study of the integrity of the educational process in a humanitarian university.

The educational process realizes its functions through training and education. The objects of educational influences are traditionally considered to be students who experience educational influences and fulfill the requirements of mentors. The educational practice of higher education, built on the foundation of the historically emerging foundations of traditional pedagogy, with a massively authoritarian style of teaching the content of academic disciplines and diagnostics, is currently in a state of change with the help of ZUN determinants of the quality of the result. Innovative transformations of higher education are associated with the reform, conditioned by the transition to a two-level scheme of professional training in the undergraduate system, the fulfillment of the requirements of state educational standards and the presentation of the result in terms of "competence" and "competence".

The variety of modern scientific approaches to the study of pedagogy of the higher professional school is due to the variability of goal-setting, the multitude of situational solutions to the main and additional tasks of teaching and upbringing, as well as the difference in contexts in which certain pedagogical phenomena otherwise manifest their essential characteristics, set in the logic of yet undisclosed regularities in reality. existing and dynamically changing educational process.

In a holistic educational process, the structure of competencies of bachelors of pedagogical education provides for the variability of choice and an adequate correlation of methods / means to achieve results in the application of innovative and traditional approaches, the organization of forms of interaction that are diverse in form - the technological aspect. Of great importance is also the profile of competencies, which determine the issues of diagnostics, monitoring and evaluation of educational achievements - the normative aspect. And finally, the subjective grounds for the activities of teachers and students in the context of organizing pedagogical support for the independent choice of individual educational routes and achieving results set in the language of competencies are of key importance for the successful achievement of the goals of educational activity - the subjective aspect.




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Номер журнала Вестник науки №1 (58) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Abdullaeva A., Ataballyeva M.N. THE IMPACT OF DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION TECHNOLOGIES TO EDUCATION // Вестник науки №1 (58) том 2. С. 93 - 96. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/6955 (дата обращения: 03.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/6955

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